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Our Story

In 2021, we found ourselves packing dozens of care packages to send to soldiers overseas. Before we knew it, our handful of soldiers grew into approximately 50 per month. This required us to reach out to family, friends, and our community of South Boston for help. Our support continues to grow as we have shipped over 500 packages in a year to troops around the world. 

Packed with Love

"Our troops don't get what they need and certainly not what they deserve," said the lifelong South Bostonian. "I feel like it's something we can do to just lift them up. Some of them are just so young and they're so far away from home." 

She'll ask the soldiers if they want anything special....But they won't usually ask for anything. 

When she found out one of her platoons had no bed sheets, she put that on Facebook and the next thing she knew, she had 30 sets of sheets to send. 

- Ginger DeShaney, South Boston Online 

Read more here...

The faces behind the boxes

Behind these boxes are real people with real family and friends who love and miss them very much. 

See the full video on our instagram: @adoptaplatoonsouthiestyle


"I've been sending packages to my husband. However, the excitement he had when someone else sent him something was so sweet....My heart couldn't be more grateful for you all." 
- Wife of U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division solider

Lakshmi Samson, Parent

In Numbers




Packages sent


Pounds of items sent


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